The rubber tyre school is preparing to welcome more students
The action offers an answer to the different needs identified among boys and girls to ensure to full enjoyment of the right to education for both of them. The rehabilitation will facilitate the participation especially of female students to the education pattern. Safe and healthy conditions in primary education for both boys and girls will be guaranteed such as the right of a safe and healthy working place for male and female school staff.
Among the barriers to Bedouin girls’ education identified during the project need assessment VDT staff has registered the inadequate sanitation facilities in schools and the negative classroom environments. On this regards an action focused on the improvement of the structural conditions of the school facilities will be helpful in reducing the early girls’ school drop-out. In addition, the school’s hygiene conditions will be improved, allowing teachers and children to learn in a healthier environment.
The action has been structured to be completely sustainable after the end of the project implementation.
In Khan Al Ahmar the intervention has been coordinated with the Minister of Education of the Jerusalem Governorate. The local community were involved on the discussions and participated on the update of the risk assessment: the Al Khan al Ahmer Bedouin community representative together with school staff (the head master and 16 Females teachers), participate in the coordination meetings.
The local communities stalwartly asked for the school rehabilitations to have the possibility to satisfy the families requests of having adequate educative structures for their children inside the communities.
So far the project realized:
- The 80% of the internal rehabilitation works for the 9 classrooms, including re-plastering and pavement fixing, wood treatment, fixtures and finishing.
- The 20% of the teachers’ room rehabilitation
- The 80% of the kitchen rehabilitation and equipment has been realized.
- The 50% of the external works has been realized
- Toilettes has been rehabilitated
3 adult male workers were involved on the construction activities.
The 146 students (82 boys and 64 girls) went on attending the classes without any interference. The main works in the classrooms has been realized during the winter break and the other works (external, kitchen, teachers’ room, toilettes) did not effect the education path.
The new rehabilitated school facilities will became the ideal space to host socio educational initiatives promoted at community level by Vento di Terra. These activities will be supported to guarantee a comprehensive approach and the full recognition of girls rights and specificity.