The uniqueness of the Bedouin tales narrated through Beduin children's eyes

Starting 2013
Objective Promote and enhance the specificity of Bedouin identity and culture through the diffusion of traditional legends, illustrated by young Palestinian and Italian artists.
Project Status Completed
Partner mpFREE_logo
– Tamer Institute for Community Education di Ramallah
Funded by unione europea
– European Union
– Ayuntamiento de Gijon – Fundacion Siloè
– Coordination of Local Authorities for Peace in the Province of Cremona

The project was created with the intention of promoting and disseminating the content and value of Bedouin oral tradition, protecting human rights and culture of a people, once nomadic, today under strong discrimination and risk of extinction.

The project involved the Bedouin primary schools of Wadi Abu Hindi, Alhan Al Ahmar, Al Jabal and children residing in the most isolated Bedouin villages in Area C. The project, aimed at enhancing the Bedouin oral tradition, particularly transcribing and spreading fairy tales and traditional legends, saw the active participation of Bedouin children, teachers and young Palestinian and Italian  illustrators – visual artists.

About 350 Bedouin children attending schools in Wadi Abu Hindi, Alhan Al Ahmar, Al Jabal and Anata were able to participate in creative and expressive workshops, aimed at enhancing the oral tradition of these people, discovering stories and legends so far handed down only verbally. About 500 Bedouin children belonging to the 8 most isolated communities were able to participate in the activities of the mobile library, which proposed creative workshops, readings and animated games, stimulating the spread of a participatory approach, playful art and storytelling. About 30 primary school teachers attended a training course on creative techniques and reading promotion recognized by the Palestinian Ministry of Education. In the schools involved in the program, storytelling and creative writing workshops have been made, with the participation of young Palestinians people illustrators and some great Italian illustrators for children, including Giulia Orecchia, Emanuela Bussolati and Dario Cestaro. About 20 Bedouin children have participated in the creation of a video documentary about their own reality, describing the relationship with the environment and animals.

During the program, two residencies for Italian and Palestinians illustrators were made, respectively in Palestine and Italy. Activities that have led to the creation of important moments of exchange and knowledge between operators in Palestinians and Italian primary schools.

The materials produced, an illustrated book and a documentary video, represent an important tool not only to raise awareness regarding the conditions of Bedouins children, but also to support integration and inclusion of children and foreign families of Arab origin in Italy.