Protection of Bedouin population

The future of a village is made at school, teaching women to read and write, ensuring basic services to the most vulnerable and marginalized groups.

Our commitment is to support the fundamental rights of the child and in particular the right to education of Bedouin Palestinian communities living in the villages of Wadi Abu Hindi, Khan al Ahmar and Anata, in Area C, and Um Al Nasser in the Gaza Strip.
We want to consolidate social and educational services for Bedouin children and their families, promoting innovative approaches and good practices.

For this reason we decided to enhance services and support the educators and teachers who make the difference in the School of Tyres, in the Bamboo School and in the “Children’s Landkindergarten.

Our intervention includes the training of educators and teachers, the strengthening of educational services for Bedouins children, both preschool-aged and between 6 and 14 years old, and the support for Bedouin women.
We offer them an educational service which includes extra-curricular activities and games, summer camps, and psychosocial support. We organize training events with the staff of the “Children’s Land” kindergarten and with educators from the Bedouin communities of East Jerusalem. We opened a family desk which offers psychosocial counseling, and we also realize meetings and awareness campaigns for women.