Children from Kalandia’s WEB TV

Starting 2007
Objective Fornire strumenti ai bambini del campo profughi per esprimere se stessi e raccontare la propria quotidianità, la propria storia, i propri sogni
Project status Completed
Funded by Municipalities of Segariu, Villanovafranca, Lunamatrona (VS) and the Consortium Sa Corona Arrubia

Kalandia refugee camp is situated between Jerusalem and Ramallah, next to the Israeli checkpoint of the same name. It covers an area of ​​approximately 3.5 square kilometers.

The official number of inhabitants is about 11,000, but thousands more not registered people must be added. The excessive population density causes inadequate services and lack of space for the population, especially for the younger ones.

In 2007, we created a web tv in Kalandia, together with the boys and the operators of our educational service.

This is the first experiment of its kind in a Palestinian refugee camp: a group of ten children tells his daily life in the camp, the life stories and dreams for the future.

With daily interviews and insights, the young reporters not only express themselves creatively but also have the opportunity to share their daily experience of the conflict, thanks to the web.